MS610UB-V4, LED Driver for 12.1" or smaller LCD Screens

559,22 kr


MS610UB-V3 is designed to drive our LSR, SB and UB series LED upgrade kits for 12.1 inch or smaller LCD screens. MS610UB is also compatible with LCD screens that originally equipped with its manufacturer's LED strip. MS610UB-V4 can drive LED strips up to 80V DC (10W). Its compact design allows it to be mounted anywhere.
Please click here to down MS610UB datasheet for more details
How to Reduce Brightness - MS610UB-V4
Option 1
The simplest method would be limited LED output currents. There are 6 jumpers on MS610UB-V4.
From left to right J1P ~ JP6. Increasing the value of the resistor will reduce brightness level. For an Example: If you purchased LED kit Part number: UB54220LED5620X1+MS610UB
By default, JP2 shorted (1R5) on MS610UB-V4. If it is too bright. then removed solder on JP2, Shorted JP3(2R). It will be dimmer, or if it is still too bright, remove JP3 shorted JP4
Option 2
If your application needs to adjust brightness level during day and night time. You need to add a 5~10K Potentiometer as Shown photo below

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